19 | 05 | 2021
New Version of CASA PDF Print E-mail

Dear participants,

A last minute notice.  CASA is an important step forward for radio-astronomy "at large" in the future and is evolving quickly.

A new version has become available today and the lecturers recommends us to use this new version. As the
installation is rather simple (except for Mac PowerPC for which no version exists), I recommend you to install the new version from here:

Linux:      https://svn.cv.nrao.edu/casa/linux_distro/

Mac OS:  https://svn.cv.nrao.edu/casa/osx_distro/

where you find the 8115 revision tar balls

At present the corresponding version of the cookbook is only here (not yet on CASA web site):



Stephane, on behalf of the LOC