15 | 01 | 2021
Splinter Meetings PDF Print E-mail

The following splinter meetings are scheduled as part of the conference program. For details about the individual splinter meetings please click on their titles.
The notification of participation in a certain splinter meeting should be communicated to the respective splinter convenors not later than 31-Aug-2014.
The deadline for submission of abstracts of contributed talks and posters is 18-Aug-2014 to make sure that the abstracts will be contained in the abstract book.
Participation in a splinter meeting is only possible, if you have registered for the general AG conference.

Code Title Convenors

Date / Room

A High Resolution Solar Physics Schlichenmaier, Lagg, Balthasar

Thursday + Friday
MG2 / 01.10

B Asteroseismology along the Main Sequence and beyond Randall, Roth, Antoci, Schuh

MG1 / 02.06

C Unified Particle Transport Models in Multi-scale Astrophysical Environments:
From Solar Particles and Space Weather to Galactic Cosmic Rays
Tautz, Fichtner, Kopp

MG2 / 01.10

D The Life and Death of Hot Stars Geier, Miller-Bertolami, Todt

Thursday + Friday
M3N / 02.32


Gamma-ray Bursts: Theory, Observation, Application
(from Stellar Evolution to Cosmology)


MG1 / 02.06

F Dark Matter Anton, Elsässer, van Eldik

MG1 / 02.06

G E-Science & Virtual Observatory Enke, Polsterer, Wambsganß

MG1 / 02.06

H The Formation and Evolution of Extrasolar Planets Guenther

MG2  / 00.10

I Exploding Stellar Transients Hillebrandt, Janka, Kromer, Röpke

Tuesday + Wednesday
M3N  / 02.32

J The Interstellar Medium Burkert, Diehl, Gritschneder, Krause, Schartmann

MG2  / 00.10

K Variability of Quasars Haas, Ramolla, Chini, Kollatschny, Meusinger

MG2  / 00.10

L The Impact of LOFAR and SKA in Astronomy and Fundamental Physics Kadler, Dettmar, Brüggen, Schwarz, Kramer, Klöckner

MG1 / 00.04